Late thoughts

Alejandro Bustos
2 min readApr 5, 2022
I’ve always been a fan of the shadows. The only thing undoubtedly attached to oneself. As the soul.

A long time has passed without filling some lines over here. One can always find a good excuse for procrastination. But now, I prefer to go clean and talk about fear. Fear and compromise.

I hate doing things for compromise. Best moments in life come from what comes from the heart, without attachments. And I would hate that writing would become precisely that: a new chore.

Somewhere, in my previous posts, I stated that I use writing as a therapy (or didn’t I?). It’s a therapy to face complex ideas that go through a troubled mind struggling with building a new life from the fallen pieces of what was.

There comes fear. Facing those pieces on the blank screen, at least the deepest ones, was a relief. But then, somehow, it started to become a bargain. A loan that forced me to think about topics I quite not understand. That freaked me out.

But today I felt the urge to face it again. Maybe it’s all part of a strategy built by myself for finding my mojo again. Or maybe it’s just that inner flame that urged me to put some thoughts together and throw them as a bottle to the sea.

Regardless of the motive, I just wanted to let the letters go and find the one thing that remains: while I’m convinced that I can do this all, I’m not quitting. Nobody remembers the quitter. It’s all about being memorable.



Alejandro Bustos

I’m quite good at telling stories (evenmore at helping others to tell their own), and keeping strategy in mind.