
Alejandro Bustos
5 min readNov 2, 2021
Fun fact: This photo was taken while procrastinating. Photo by: Alejandro Bustos.

OK, I’m up. 7:00 a.m. in the clock, and it’s still dark outside. I have been in Sweden for three months now, and it’s the first time I must deal with seasons. As a Latin, I am mentally configured to understand that production time is associated with daylight. Should I be productive? Should I cuddle in bed another hour and wait for some sunlight?

I remember Colombian mornings, full of sun, noise, and chaos before 6:30. But wait: I should focus. I have the whole day in front and I’m full of chores on my to-do list. And it’s already 7:20. How can this be? Time flies. Sun isn’t even up yet. I’ve just moved a couple of inches in my bed. Where did these 20 minutes go? Uh-oh, 7:30.

I struggle to stand up. To be fair, I must go to the bathroom. Time for the first pick in my cell phone. My OC prevents me from having it full of pop-up notifications. As usual, a couple of pic comments on Instagram, some messages from Colombia due to time delay, emails to my personal, my professional, and my company’s account. Hell, I’m overconnected. I should take a break from social for a while. It’s stealing my life. According to Statista, for 2020 people spent an average of 145 minutes a day in social networks.

I look for the data instead of going to the bathroom. It’s almost 8:00. Now I really have to go. I haven’t had breakfast. Why should I? I still going in and out into that intermittent fasting stuff. What’s the point of losing what is supposed to be the most important meal of the day? I could watch another couple of videos about it. Maybe later.

I start to look into my daily planner while taking breakfast. What a remarkable invention, the calendar. We have always had this obsession with time. Measuring it, controlling it, trying to unveil its darkest secrets. Now I’m here, losing it. Late again. But it’s ok. I can move some things here and there and get the most of my time in the commute.

The Train and Beyond

I’m waiting. Ok: let’s go over again my task list. Until now, I have already seen three YouTube videos, cleaned my house, founded four new terms in Wikipedia, and joined three Twitter rafts. None of those was on my list. The list keeps delaying, just as the train. What would have happened? I’m in a civilized country; people and trains DO show on time. Something weird must have happened.

Like the other night when there was a possible suicidal person (perhaps a tale for another time.) My commute is finally here. It’s not that full, but finding a sitting is like playing the game with chairs and music. Should I pick a place with a table? It’d be wiser because I’m going to use my computer. I get one free, near to a table. It must be a sign.

While I’m sitting and preparing, I think about opportunities. Are there things that were meant to happen? I mean, I do not fully buy the whole destiny or predetermination idea because I love free will. It’s the fool’s happiness, perhaps, but it is a way to deal with the overwhelm of life. Maybe Alejandro finding this sit was already written somewhere, or perhaps it was one of the infinite possible outcomes from me waking up this morning.

People are reading. Others are sleeping. I like the game of looking at their faces and trying to figure out what are they thinking about. It’s a tricky game because it can become a creepy staring situation so easy, that is like walking on thin ice. Crap! I’m almost at my station. I didn’t use my commute time properly. Or did I?

The Anxiety of Getting Things Done

I’m on the go to my coworking place. No pressure. I still have some time. Maybe I’ll have to postpone a couple of tasks for tomorrow, but no rush. Rome was not built in a day. According to Discovery Magazine, it took around 1.229 years to build Rome, from its founding to its collapse.

I’ve always loved the story of Rome’s founding. As I’ve stated here, I’m a Historian (only by profession) whose two favorite moments in History are World War II and Ancient Classic History (from Greece and Rome). Romulus and Remus’ founding myth is quite a tale to be told: two lost brothers raised by a wolf, showing the duality in the same blood, and the ineffable hand of destiny.

No. Back on track. Need to focus. I have to write. But nobody in his five senses can write without a coffee. One of the things that have made it easy for me to be a part of Swedish culture is that they love coffee almost as much as I do. Well, they take it with lots of Mjölk, but nobody is perfect. I got used to black plain coffee, no sugar no cream, a long time ago. I love its flavor, its strength, its aroma. Any addition to that, especially milk, will just ruin it.

I have my coffee ready, as well as my water. From my diabetic breakdown, I learned that I must take lots of water during the day, with lime juice if preferred. It has actually helped me with my anxiety. In fact, did you know that, according to Medical News Today, lime water consumption reduces cancer chances, improves skin quality, promotes weight loss, and improves the immune system? I’m just looking at those facts right now. Hell, it’s almost dark outside.

Since last week, the sunset is happening around 17:00. It’s late, but not that late when you live between two time zones. Nevertheless, I’m starting to feel tired. I shouldn’t be so hard with myself. I mean, things will solve somehow. I work better under pressure. Let’s play Under Pressure on Spotify, but not the original one. David Bowie’s version is better.


Ok. The day is almost over. Another commute, and lots of social network picking later, I’m finally in front of my laptop. I surrendered to the fact that I’m not ending all my chores for the day. What can one do? It’s the Divine Providence. But I still have one or two bullets in my chamber.

I write like I’m possessed. The idea seems so clear in my mind, that I hardly can think of the struggle of the day. I don’t even pay attention to the Netflix series I’m playing while I write. At this single moment, I realize that I had all the time. I call it the fast-track road of my day when I get the answers to questions that haven’t even been asked.

And yes, I know, I could get this road early in the morning. Without any pressure, right after exercising, thigh to a hard schedule. But then again, what’s the fun on that? Maybe I’ll figure it out tomorrow. Tonight, I’m staying late watching a movie.

I’ve become a pro in this procrastination game.



Alejandro Bustos

I’m quite good at telling stories (evenmore at helping others to tell their own), and keeping strategy in mind.